How To Repeat Strings In PHP : str_repeat()

The php str_repeat() function helps to repeat the string the specified number of times.

The str_repeat() function generates a new string by iterating over the given string a predetermined number of times.

PHP str_repeat()

PHP has a built-in function called str_repeat() that repeats a string a specified number of times. The str_repeat() function requires two arguments: a string and an integer. It produces a new string that is created by iterating through a string supplied as an input as many times as the integer passed as an argument to this function allows.


str_repeat(string, repeat)

string : The string parameter is mandatory, and it specifies a repeating string.
repeat : It specifies the number of times the string will be repeated. The value must be greater or equal to 0.

If the function’s $repeat parameter is set to 0, the function returns an empty string.

How To Repeat String in PHP

Let’s repeat a string in php.

echo str_repeat("phpflow ", 4);

phpflow phpflow phpflow phpflow

The function returns a new string created by iterating through the specified string $string.

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